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You can find Adam in Artist Alley at booth G-28.
Signing Schedule
Thursday 10:30 am -12 pm
Friday 10:30 am -12 pm and 5 pm - 6:30 pm
Saturday 10:30 am -12 pm and 5 pm - 6:30 pm
Sunday 3 pm - 4:30 pm
Special Signing at the Marvel Booth on Friday at 2 pm!
Sorry, no personal items. There will be a promotional poster available.
Signatures $10
Graded Signatures $20
Signature Remarques $50 (Or $40 with the purchase of a book) VIEW SAMPLES AND OPTIONS HERE
PLEASE NOTE: Adam may have time for some remarques depending on demand. NO SKETCHES other than those on the commission list.
NYCC PRE-SALE FOR SHOW PICK-UP! Sales end on Monday, October 14, EOD.